Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Local Happenings

Baby Wearing Doula has many classes available throughout the year. Piper Nard teaches the basics of baby wearing for different kinds of wraps and slings. Contact her for registration and information.

Butterfly Birth, LLC holds infant massage classes, Breastfeeding Basics, Milk Expression 101 and Sacred Pregnancy Classes at several locations around the OKC metro. 

Kandace is a Certified Educator of Infant Massage through the International Association of Infant Massage. A Certified Breastfeed Educator, and a Certified Sacred Pregnancy Instructor.
Use the contact information below to find out more about her classes and scheduling!

Contact Kandace Beck at for registration and information.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Sacred Recipe: Postpartum Sitz Bath

Recipe By: Kandace Beck
Creator at Organic Butterfly

A sitz bath is a special bath used in the early postpartum period to help ease pain, promote healing and give good hygiene to the perennial area. This is particularly helpful after an episiotomy or tearing during birth. Though it also helps ease swelling in the perineum or a swollen labia.
In the hospital you may be given a portable sitz bath. This sits over a normal sized toilet. You fill a bag with warm water and sit on the sitz bath. The warm water then flows over your perineum allowing for healing and cleansing. You can add medication or herbal preparations at will.

You will need a combination of at least three of any of the following herbs:
½ cup of each
·         Comfrey (cell proliferant, vulnerary)
·         Rosemary (antiscptic)
·         Lavender (anti-microbial)
·         Myrrh
·         Calendula (anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory)
·         Sheppards Purse (hemostatic)
·         Epsom Salt

Add 2 cloves of garlic to each bath (optional)

In a large pot, bring 2 quarts of water to a boil, remove from heat. Place the herbs, salt, and garlic into a cheesecloth sack (can be added loose or in a tea steeping ball too). Add to the water, cover and let steep for 3-4 hours. The “tea” can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Use 2 cups of tea to each stiz bath you do.

Fill the tub with hot water, but just high enough to cover your perennial area when sitting, not to full or it will be diluted too much. Add the “tea” and soak for 20-30 minutes once or twice a day. You may also add a few drops of tea tree oil or a squirt of pure aloe vera to the bath for extra comfort.

Enjoy your postpartum bath 2-3 times per day for optimal results. Take care of yourself mamas, it's important!

This product can also be purchased at Organic Butterfly

Monday, June 17, 2013


The Sacred Whisper OKC newsletter is a  local little sister to the Sacred Pregnancy Movement started by Anni Daulter. It is published by Butterfly Birth, LLC of Oklahoma City and gives all the local happenings on everything SACRED in Oklahoma City and surrounding areas.  We are here to be THE source for pregnancy, relationships, birth, motherhood, fatherhood, food, babies, love, conversations, and local happenings in the following communities:
Oklahoma City
El Reno
Midwest City
Del City
And everything inbetween.
My name is Kandace Beck, and I am passionate about the work that I do. Along with being the guru of Sacred Whisper OKC, I am also a Certified Birth Doula, Trained Postpartum Doula, Certified Placenta Encapsulation Specialist, and a Certified Educator of Infant Massage. You can find all my services available at Butterfly Birth, LLC. I love working with growing families in the community. Wishing to give them a safe and intimate experience as they welcome a new baby is what I strive for. Along with this work I am a mother to 2 beautiful boys and a wife to an amazing husband. I welcome the opportunity to bring the Sacred Movement to Oklahoma City, as the newest venture for me.