Thursday, March 13, 2014

Elderberry Syrup - Yummy and Healing

Author: Amy Townsend of Little Ways Doula Services

I have always admired doing things the “old school” way. I like accepting the responsibility for my families health and well being and prefer doing things myself before I need to ask for outside help and I find that there are not very many times that I actually need to refer to my outside sources and reserve those for the times that I truly feel like there is a serious need for more help. One of my favorite ways of taking care of my family is through herbal use and every year I learn more about which plants can help protect and nourish my family and I love to experiment with different ways of fitting them into our lives.

Every year starting around Thanksgiving and ending sometime after Valentine’s Day I drive by signs, and see commercials and hear radio spots on how I should get my flu shot. The voices on the radio are urgently pushing for me to take my family in to receive their shots and to do my part in protecting the rest of the community around me. But I have never noticed the voices suggesting other ways of preventing catching or passing on the flu, other than getting my flu vaccine.

Since I prefer to do things more naturally I had to find a different way other than receiving the flu vaccine. I did some research and found out about using elderberries as an antiviral. Studies found that the extract from elderberry really is effective in preventing and treating the flu. Elderberry works by inhibiting viral replication, inhibiting the virus from infecting host cells by binding it, and inhibiting the maturation of viruses, among other things. Taken at the first sign or started when you know you've been exposed to the flu virus is the best course and yields the strongest response towards the virus. Digging deeper I found that in both a 1995 and 2001 study concluded that elderberry extract reduced the duration of symptoms of the flu to 2-3 days as opposed to 6 days without it.

I was excited when I realized that you can very easily find it growing throughout all parts of the state, and can even grow it in your own backyard! The plant looks like a small tree, with the most common species of berries being a black purplish color that hang in umbels. The flowers, which are usually white, can also be used in fighting viruses as well and is also used for treating fevers and is gentle enough to be used on the smallest of infants and makes a very tasty tea.

I did find that some people have raised questions, in regards to Elder’s safety, since the plant holds cyanogenic compounds (cyanide), and warn people against certain parts of the plant. Herbalist Stephen Harrod Buhner points out that there are other plants, such as apples and cherries, that contain the same cyanide compounds but we eat them without being poisoned and that all of the fear surrounding the dangers of elderberry are just phytohysteria . He did say that for those people who are worried about the amount they receive, there is a way to reduce the amount of the cyanide by boiling the plant for at least 30 minutes. The longer the boil, the lower the cyanide compound content there is in the plant.
There are so many ways that you can take elderberry but my favorite, by far, is making syrup. It is very easy to make and can be used just like maple syrup but has antiviral properties with it! You can help your body prevent catching the flu, while enjoying a tasty treat! A quick search will show you that there are many different recipes and the best part is you can add or take out anything that you don’t like. 

Here is the recipe that my family and I enjoy:


½ cup of dried elderberries (Mountain Rose Herbs)
5 cloves
1 cinnamon stick
1 vanilla bean
1 Tablespoon grated fresh ginger
2 cups of water

How To:

Put all of the ingredients into a pot and bring the water to a boil. Reduce heat to a very low simmer, and reduce liquid by about ½ (usually takes about 20-30 minutes). I just set my timer for 20 minutes, and check it and if I think it needs to be strained more then I keep going. Strain out the herbs and add 1 cup of raw honey. Store your syrup in a closed jar in the refrigerator. Syrups have a relatively short shelf life and will stay fresh for a couple of weeks. I generally make this in small batches so as to avoid any syrup going bad.

I use this recipe as both a preventative and an aid in fighting a virus. If I know people around me have been sick, then I will start taking about a Tablespoon a day. If I feel like I am just starting to come down with something I may even take up to 2 Tablespoons every hour until the symptoms go away. Since this recipe contains honey, I never give it to my kids until they are over 2 years of age and I reduce the amount that they take, as an herbal ally, to 1 teaspoon a day or 1 teaspoon 4x in a day if they are getting sick.

This is herbal treat is a great herbal ally to have for your family medicine chest. Most everyone loves the way it tastes, and it can be easy to find ways to fit it into your daily meals!  Try pouring some over some ice cream or on your waffles for breakfast!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Sacred Pregnancy Magazine Giveaway

It's our first giveaway!! We are giving copy of the Newest issue of the Sacred Pregnancy Magazine! This is a $39 value and is full of cup filling information! Make sure and share with your friends!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, February 7, 2014

Keeping Romance Alive During Pregnancy

Author: Kandace Beck, CD(DONA), PCD(DONA), CIES, CEIM, Certified Sacred Pregnancy Instructor and Postpartum Mother Roaster of Butterfly Birth

Ok.. So your pregnant which means your sick, swelling, uncomfortable, moody, and I could go on and on. Being intimate with your significant other could be the last thing on your mind. Although some find pregnancy a time of extreme arousing (lucky women), most couples find this as a hard time to find their intimate space. This can be a particular challenge if you are not dealing with your 1st pregnancy. The more children that are already running around the less chance you have time for those more romantic moments with your significant other.

So lets talk about some ways you can keep your romance alive and be the light you are meant to while you carry a new life into the world.

WORK ON YOU FIRST - What I mean is find out if you need to release some bad energy or feelings. JOURNAL those feelings that are holding you back. It doesn't have to be a long entry every day, just whatever is bothering you or feelings you may need to express, WRITE THEM. Holding on to issues, hurts, fears can have a profound effect on you from day to day. You may not need to do anything other than to speak your mind, if you can't talk about it.. write about it. This can also be quite profound when the time comes to deliver your baby. Releasing feelings in pregnancy can give you an empowerment to birth your baby, and have nothing holding you or your body back to do the amazing job it is preparing for.

Also, take care of your physical needs. Taking time for yourself is very important while you are carrying a precious new life! Doing a daily meditation is the most peaceful thing you can do for yourself, not just while pregnant either. A meditation may look different for every person. If you are interested in finding out more about how to meditate check out our article. You may find that a great prenatal yoga class is just what you are needing, or you could find a Sacred Pregnancy Instructor in your area. The Pregnancy Journey Classes will go over most of what we are covering in this article.

The next thing we are going to talk about is HEART TO HEART CONNECTION:

This is a great exercise to practice with your partner. If you and your partner are going through a rough patch, and need to come back together this is perfect. Set the mood for the room, light some candles, put some fresh flowers in the room, put on your favorite music (a special song for you share together). This will immediately set the mood for the activity. Sit across from one another, in a comfortable position. You both should do a small personal meditation about what you are wanting to forgive the other for, or what you would like to send out into the universe for your partner. Once your meditation is over each of you should place your right hand over the others heart, and look each other in the eye. You can  practice this for as long as you like, you'll truly be amazed at the connection you feel to your partner. I highly suggest every couple does this activity at least once a week. It will help you stay connected!

Being completely bare of inhibitions and raw with one another is extremely important! This is what the amazing Time Daulter has to say on this topic:

"Naked Time is where 2 people commit to stripping themselves bare (literally and figuratively) and to lay holding each for at least 15 minutes. This is not sex time (though if you want to follow up with connection in that way then more power to you!). this is opportunity for a couple to be physically close without anything between them. The feel of your beloved's skin, rhythm of their breath, and gentle beating of their heart - the many sensations that we have lost touch with in our busy lives, help to build connection. During Naked Time you have no choice but to be totally focused on each other. In our work we have found that many busy husbands who don't overly value "connecting" will be enthusiastic proponents of Naked Time. Then once together in the naked embrace, you cannot help but become more connected on many levels"

That about sums it up, being bare with the one you love is something that is SACRED, and should happen everyday!

FIND SOME TIME TO DATE.. Go out at least once a week with your partner. Dinner and a movie, walks on the beach, picnics in the park, yoga on Saturday mornings followed by a nice big breakfast, a day spent at the home in bed eating your favorite foods and reading together, or just a simple shared bath with essential oils are all great ideas on ways to spend time connecting and enjoying each other as you both walk this path. Ask your partner to give you a massage and end it with a love making session. Keep the dialogue open at all times, as this process should be a shared journey and not an isolated one.

A date night can really give you that memory of when your relationship first began, you get those tummy butterflies for each other and can connect to one another.

I hope that this has given you some incite on how to keep your romance alive! May you have a lifetime of love and happiness as your family grows. May your children see and implement the passion you shown them.. May they pass that on to their beloved as they are older!! LOVE & LIGHT TO YOU!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Sacred Salve.. A Healing Recipe

Kandace Beck, CD(DONA), CPES, CEIM - with Butterfly Birth, LLC

Healing is such an important part of your postpartum experience. This is a simple recipe of how to make a simple salve for all those baby needs and is great for mama too. We use this salve in our household often. Even now that my littles are growing.. we get lots of cuts and scraps with 2 boys around here. So.. this salve is great for those. Also.. I have found that it is great for a skin irritation such as a bug bite or small allergic reaction. It's even great for dry cracked skin or cuticles.

The healing powers of the herbs in this salve are safe and gentle, yet powerfully and effective. The healing powers of the herbs are transferred to the oils, and then beeswax is added to make a creamy balm. Beeswax naturally helps seal moisture into the skin, while still allowing it to 'breathe".

Supplies you'll need:
2 cups oil Sunflower
1/3 cup dried Comfrey
1/3 cup dried Chamomile
1/3 cup dried Calendula
6 capsules Vitamin E
2 ounces (approximately 2 tablespoons) beeswax

Combine the herbs and oil in a heavy-bottomed saucepan. Place on the lowest possible heat - the oil should be warm, but not hot enough to "fry" the herbs! Let the oils and herbs infuse for at least three hours. Let the oil cool, then strain out and compost the herbs. Gently re-warm the oil, and add the beeswax. Cut or pierce the vitamin E capsules and squeeze the oil into the beeswax/oil mixture. Stir together until the beeswax is completely melted, and then remove from heat. Pour the salve into clean jars or tins.

If you find that you don't have enough time to make this amazing salve. You can purchase many products online, including my online shop at