Thursday, September 12, 2013

Sacred Space: Cleansing

Author: Deanna Norris of Earthbound Soul Birth Services

The holy act of space cleansing can look different for everyone. For some, it's salt on the windowsills and chanting prayers on the new moon. For others, it's a physical removal of negative weight to make room for positive. Others prefer holy water and sacred words. For me, I like to keep it simple. 

White sage, salvia alpiana, is known for its ability to purify space. There's something cathartic for me in the act of placing fire to sage. Smelling it's sweet scent wafting into the four corners of my room always puts my mind and soul at rest. It is interesting to note that Salvia comes from the Latin root salvare, which means, "to heal." 

"Sacred white sage (Salvia Alpiana) is one of the most potent plants for purification, cleansing and clearing. Traditionally used by many desert dwelling tribes. Often referred to as Grandmother sage, it represents a divine feminine medicine that purifies negativity and connects and grounds us with mother earth." via powwowlodge

Indigenous people have used sage for centuries, ceremonies clouded with the thick white smoke. Plains people would line the floor of the sweat lodge with sage, rubbing it over their bodies as they sweat, to purify. Sage is burned in smudging ceremonies to drive out bad spirits, feelings, or influences, and also to keep bad spirits from entering the area where a ceremony takes place.

Simple Smudging Ceremony:

Take a minute to collect your thoughts. Set your intention for the space you are about to smudge. Light sage bundle. Blow on it a bit to get the smoke flowing. Walk with intention around your space, using whatever path you feel called upon, but most cleansers go north, east, south and west. Using a feather that you have purified with sage, or your hand, fan the smoke into the spaces you feel need to be cleansed. You may say a few words, or not, and snuff out your sage while facing east. 

You can continue the cleansing process with cedar and sweetgrass. I enjoy using both, but do no always feel the need to utilize them. If you choose to follow this ceremony with cedar and sweetgrass, here are simple suggestions for their use. 

After using sage to drive out the bad influences, purify yourself with cedar and then repeat the cleansing process throughout the space with the cedar. Use sweetgrass in the same manner to bring in good influences. All the while, praying for help in this cleansing and/or keeping your intentions set on the space. Finally, you may take a candle over the space and push its light into every corner. The People of the Pacific Northwest Coast call this, "lighting-up".

You will instantly feel lighter and more pure after this ceremony, air all cleared, intentions set.

to purchase sage from an ethical source, go here:

to purchase sweetgrass & cedar from an ethical source, go here: 


Deanna Norris is a Holistic Birth Doula in central Oklahoma. She holds certifications in Raw Food and Holistic Life Coaching as well as Space Cleansing. She is also a certified Home Apothecary and uses these skills to add depth to her calling of being a birth worker and feminist. She is a writer, artist, gypsy and momma. She lives barefoot with her Englishman, growing things in their backyard, in a quiet little neighborhood in Edmond, OK. You can find out more about Deanna on her website.

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